Now, being a real humdinger of a pinup doesn't happen in a blink of a false eyelash, my dears. After my friend Rosie Button invited myself (and fellow vintage lover Agatha Frisky) to model for her classic pin up calendar photoshoot, I knew an early morning makeover was to be in order. Because I'm what you'd call a "thinking woman", I set my hair in curlers the night before.
Good morning, beautiful! With a headful of pins and a fluorescent green robe, why wouldn't you sleep with a smile on your face?
Here is my stunning blank canvas, with somewhat of a healthy green glow. Where did that come from?
Stage one is what I refer to as Panel Beating. Smoosh some foundation into every nook and cranny, and dab concealer on to all the unwelcome face-dwellers. I'm all about technique.
I look a little more fabulous here, but you just can't put your finger on how. It's on the tip of your tongue... Eyelid contouring. Yup. Pin up makeup is the one time I bust out the brown eyeshadow.
Surprise! It's a beefy pair of eyebrows! Note that I've carried on my ginger masquerade to my pet caterpillars up there. Nobody will suspect the slightest!
The initial uncurling and half-hearted brushing! If you're attempting the stringy red-headed Einstein look, then ignore the following steps. There may also be a smear of rosy red rouge in there too. On my face, that is.
Phew! I recovered. My lack of formal training means that every hairstyle is a bit of a gamble, but there's rarely anything that a bit of back-combing and sneaky hair pin or two can't fix. Oh, and an atmosphere of hair spray.
Liquid eyeliner. Again, always a gamble, but I nailed it for my viewing audience. While you're waving the applicator around, why not slap on a beauty spot?
Spot the beauty. It's harder than Where's Wally/Waldo/Volli/Hetti/Уолли.
Now, if your workspace doesn't end up looking like this, then you're probably not doing it right.
Now that's what I call a TOTAL PHOTOGRAPHIC MIND BLOWING of my partial beautification process (you missed out the bit at the beginning where I sip on French Earl Grey [lucky guy] and eat some toast). I'm not going to post any spoilers from the photo shoot yet, but I'll put the finished product up. But I know you're itching for more, one final Ruby hit. So, snapped on location in the Fly By Night dressing room, I give you my second look for the day: Big Red Smiley Pout and Even Bigger Red Croissant On My Head (feat. messy dangly doo-dads). Now, since you saw me last I have obviously added a Big Scarlet Smirk, and a sweet set of false lashes for extra fluttery goodness. And a small pink bow.
I hope that you're feeling properly acquainted with me and my precious face now. Do stay tuned for more adventures, and DEFINITELY more photos. Of me. And maybe my cat.